South (142.5º to 217.5º) is where the Three Killings (San Sha) is located. Make sure not to undertake any form of construction in this sector of your home. Since this is the worst of the annual afflictions, keep this area quiet and try not to spend too much time here.
Southeast (112.5º - 127.5º) is where the Grand Duke of Jupiter (Tai Sui) is located this year. Do not disturb this area and if your front door is located here, try not to slam the door or make any noise.
Northwest (292.5 – 307.5) the Year Breaker (Sui Po) can be found. During 2012, try not to disturb this area. Like Grand Duke and San Sha, respect this area and try to avoid it or try not to make any renovations or noise in this area. If your TV is in this location, you might want to move it somewhere else this year.
Southeast (112.5º - 127.5º) is also where the Five Yellow is residing this year. The Five Yellow, if disturbed or activated can bring illness and disaster, including money loss or lawsuit.
NOTE: If you need to do any work in the areas above, make sure to complete them before February 4, 2012. Remember, the best cure for these afflictions is avoidance. If your bedroom is located in this sector of your home, you might want to move bedroom just this year.
The following are the BEST locations in your home, and you should take advantage of them to enhance your love life and career:
South - Wealth sector
East - Relationship/Romance
Center - Great for studies or academic pursuits
West - This is the most auspicious sector of your home this year
Northeast - Future Wealth. Career opportunities and promotion are probable especially if your home office
is located here.